Information » ESPLOST


What is ESPLOST?

An Educational Special-purpose Local Option Sales Tax is a financing method for funding capital outlay projects in the state of Georgia. It is an optional one penny sales tax levied by any city/county for the purpose of funding the building of schools and other projects.

How has BCS benefitted from ESPLOST?

ESPLOST has funded the following Buford City Schools projects thanks to members of our community: 

  • Buford High School
  • Buford Arena
  • Central Office Administrative Building
  • Buford Middle School 3-Story Addition
  • Buford Academy Doubled Capacity

And many other improvements to our schools!

What will the continued 1¢ Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (ESPLOST) provide for students in Buford City Schools?

The proposed projects include:

  • Pay bond referendum for Buford High School
  • Acquiring, constructing and equipping new schools
  • Constructing and equipping additional classrooms and instructional support space
  • New athletic facilities
  • Improving existing educational facilities

FACTS about the 1¢ Education Sales Tax:

  • No new sales tax
  • An extension of the current sales tax, not an additional tax
  • Renewal Education Sales Tax starts after the current Education Sales Tax ends
  • Sales tax is paid by everyone who shops in Hall County, including visitors
  • Provide modern, safe and secure school facilities for Buford/Hall County children
  • Quality schools promote a better future for our students and economic growth for our community

What are the next steps?

On March 24, 2020, the ballot will include a vote for the continuation of the ESPLOST VI, an educational funding resource, that benefits Buford City Schools, Gainesville City Schools, and Hall County Schools.