Parent Resources » Student Wellness

Student Wellness

Buford City Schools is dedicated to improving the health and wellness of all our students. If you would like to participate in the review of our Wellness Policy or join the Wellness Committee, please contact Megan Gower for additional information.
Everything on Strong4Life is created by a team of experts with you, the parent, in mind. This was created with the goal of making your family’s life a little easier, healthier, safer and less stressful. Whether you want to improve the communication within your family, help your kids develop a healthy relationship with food, learn about different safety tips, or develop your kids’ emotional well-being, this website is a great resource.
Triennial Assessment
Buford City Schools is responsible for assessing the compliance of the Wellness Plan and Policy in the local schools.  See below for the results from the first triennial assessment that was done in School Year 20-21.